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What distinguishes us? Find out more...

Because our mission is to ensure that every child is equipped mentally, emotionally, and socially for life. Try us.

    Select Grade

    Select Interest(s)

    Does your child struggle with any of the following?ForgetfulnessDisorganizationRemembering steps to followMixing up math symbolsPaying attentionSloppy handwritingOtherAll of the above

    Has your child been officially diagnosed with any of the following?DyslexiaADDAutismMemory Processing DisorderSensory Processing DisorderOther

    Would you like to be added to our email list?YesNo

    After you click "Submit Form," we will contact you to schedule your session.

    To reduce email spam, please answer the following question (all in lower case) to assure us you are human. :) Thank you. -->

    You can also make a donation to sponsor students in coaching, tutoring, music lessons and to help grow the business, just by clicking the circle "donate button" below.